Before and after - transformation of the ballroom into a forest

Welcome to another exciting episode in our "Wedding Inspirations"! This time, we're taking you on an extraordinary journey with The Dolder Grand, as they transform an elegant ballroom into a mesmerizing forest setting. In this image-video, you'll witness how the skilled team of Nicole Please Weddings turns a classic venue into a magical, nature-inspired setting perfect for a romantic summer wedding. So sit back, relax, and let this awe-inspiring transformation stoke the fires of your creativity as you plan your own unique wedding day!
  • Shooting: Echte Hochzeit
  • Stil: Märchenhaft
  • Saison: Frühling
  • Region: Zürich
Diese Teilnehmer haben am Shooting teilgenommen:
The Dolder Grand
The Dolder Grand Hochzeitslocation aus Zürich
Das war ganz besonders
  • Märchenwald im Dolder Grand Ballroom
  • Einzigartige Hochzeitsdekoration

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