Über Julia & Gil Wedding Photography

About Julia & Gil Wedding Photography
We hope our pictures inspire you! We LOVE to photograph people full of love on the best day of their lives. Our approach is to be more than your wedding photographer! We want to be your friend, where you feel comfortable around and who will be there for you whenever you have questions. Your photographer should not just be one more person on your wedding day. That is why we want to get to know you, we want to feel a connection to you and your story. Because, we’ve learned, when that happens, we made our best photos. We’ve only ever shot full day coverage, and that will never change. It’s not just about the ceremony or the rings, it’s about the entire day between mascara and wedding dance.
Julia & Gil Wedding Photography
Schwägrichenstraße 9, 04107 Leipzig, Deutschland

  • 100% kostenfrei
  • unverbindlich
  • einfach

Über diesen Anbieter

Hi! We are Julia and Gil, a wedding photographer couple from Leipzig, Germany. Available for destination weddings world wide. We like sunsets, sunny days at the beach and dinner with friends. We definitely buy to many clothes and eat out too much. We LOVE exploring new cities, spending time with our family or just doing nothing at all. So, do not hesitate to tell us more about you!


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1-3 Jahre Erfahrung | 0-10 durchgeführte Hochzeiten

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Schwägrichenstraße 9, 04107 Leipzig, Deutschland

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