Über Michelle Mock Photography

About Michelle Mock Wedding Photography
I believe that when my clients hire me, they are hiring me for my style and my ability to tell their stories with my lens. To me, being a wedding photographer means I take the time to create a storyline for my clients that they will be able to look back on and remember. My desire is that my clients will look back on one of the most important days of their lives and joyfully relive each moment. Each couple is unique and thus each wedding is unique and offers an opportunity for their love story to be told. The way I see it, my responsibility is to capture those fleeting in-between moments and document memories with tangible results so that my clients can impart their memories for future generations. As a film photographer, I love the bright, dreamy, ethereal feeling a film photo imparts on the viewer. Film, though considered antiquated by some, is still very much employed by wedding photographers and is actively used by me. Film has made me a better photographer by ensuring that I conceptualize an image before I press my shutter. With that in mind, my approach to every shot is to tell your story, because every love story is unique and I want to tell yours.
Michelle Mock Photography

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photographer | www.michellemock.com


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, 1050 Vienna

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